Small Business Strategy To Chart Future Course
20 May 2022
The NSW Government has today launched a public consultation on its new Small Business Strategy, which will chart the course for the 800,000 strong small businesses across the State for the coming three years.
NSW Small Business Minister Eleni Petinos said that feedback from industry would assist in developing a strategy that promotes a thriving, dynamic and innovative small business community for the period ahead.
“Small businesses are the lifeblood of the NSW economy. That’s why we’re developing a new Small Business Strategy that accounts for the current climate and provides a blueprint for the future,” Ms Petinos said.
“The public consultation will afford stakeholders the opportunity to have their say on the new strategy because we know that some of the best ideas will come from small businesses themselves.
“Over the past two years unprecedented levels of support have been provided to small businesses to withstand the impacts of COVID, but now we need to look forward and develop policy settings for the future.”
CEO of the Master Grocers Australia (MGA) and Director of the Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia (COSBOA), Jos de Bruin said he would be encouraging his members to contribute to the public consultation.
“Our small business members have always enjoyed a close working relationship with the NSW Government and I encourage all of them to have their say on the public consultation for the next Small Business Strategy,” Mr de Bruin said.
“We welcome the chance to provide direct feedback to policy makers on the sorts of priorities and reforms that will create the best economic landscape to support small business over the following three years.”
CEO of the Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association (ACAPMA) Mark McKenzie said that smaller retailers need policy settings that keep pace with evolving challenges.
“Many of the challenges faced by small retailers in the last few years are not necessarily going to be the same ones they confront moving forward. As the economic challenges evolve, so should the policy prescriptions and that’s why I’ll be promoting this public consultation within our membership,” Mr McKenzie said.
CEO of Restaurant & Catering Australia (R&CA) Wes Lambert said that after an exceptionally challenging period, his members welcomed further consultation from the NSW Government on the path forward.
“Our members were some of the hardest hit during the pandemic. The next few years will be crucial to thousands of small businesses in the restaurant and catering sector and close cooperation with government will be essential,” Mr Lambert said.
Small businesses seeking to have their say or looking for further information can do so at: