South Australian Independent Retailers launch campaign to combat the Liberals plan to deregulate shop trading hours which will result in increased food prices
9 September 2020
South Australia’s Treasurer will be re-introducing legislation in this parliamentary session to again try and deregulate shop trading hours.
The SA independent supermarket industry will continue to oppose this policy as it hurts South Australian small business, it hurts independent retailers and hurts food growers and food manufacturers.
“This policy is clearly an ideological political stoush by the Liberal Government against the SA Labor Opposition, at the expense and blatant disregard of hard-working ‘mum & dad’ retail businesses,” says Colin Shearing, CEO SA Independent Retailers.
“Deregulated shop trading hours will come at an enormous cost, including loss of SA jobs, less independent supermarkets meaning less competition resulting in higher food prices”
The digital ads warn South Australians: “The Liberals plan to deregulate shop trading hours will mean less competition and higher food prices. Say NO to higher food prices”
The Liberals plan to deregulate shop trading hours, will hurt SA owned independent supermarkets and help Coles, Woolies and the big internationals; who love less competition by driving out small independent retail operators.
Less competition means less SA jobs and higher food prices.
“We want to make South Australians aware that once again the Liberals are trying to deregulate shop trading hours, which will come at a huge cost to the State’s Economy. This plays into the hands of Coles, Woolies and the internationals. It would lead to less competition and higher food prices. Why would you do that to South Australians – do South Australians really want higher food prices?”
Colin Shearing
Chief Executive Officer
South Australian Independent Retailers