Date: Thursday 25 November 2021
Time: 11:00 am - 12.00 pm
Online Virtual Meeting: Zoom Platform. Registration link will be sent when members RSVP.
RSVP: Tuesday 23 November 2021 to
MC: Jeff Harper (MGA Board Director)
Guest Speakers: Rachel Davidson (Business Psychologist) and Kevin Smith CEO and Executive Mentor
Topic: “Well Being or Wellness for Business Owners and Managers”
Presentation Title: “ I’m not a psychologist so how can I make sure my people thrive in the workplace?”
This is a question many store owners, store managers and team leaders are asking themselves. This presentation at the AGM will provide an opportunity for members to reflect, and discuss questions, such as:
- What do we mean by the term “wellbeing”?
- What are the specific roles that store owners, store managers and team leaders play in creating mentally healthy workplaces?
- How is “wellbeing” measured at store level? Whose job is that?
- As a store owner, how can I support my store managers on this challenge?
- How NML can provide practical support to store managers...our offer to co-design.
- Q&A
Rachel Davidson - Business Psychologist
Rachael is an Organisational Psychologist who works with clients to find ways to bring out the best in people at work. She works with clients across a variety of industry sectors including health, retail, utilities, NFP, tertiary education, mining, medical research, professional services and emergency services. The type of work she gets involved includes psychometric assessments, individual and group coaching, conflict resolution, employee support services and leadership development.
Kevin Smith - CEO and Executive Mentor
Kevin has been supporting senior leaders and their teams for over 40 years. He has extensive local and international experience across many industries including the Australian retail industry. Kevin has been supporting senior leaders and their teams for over 40 years. He has extensive international experience with leaders in LEGO, Astra Zeneca, and Siemens. He was involved in the design and implementation of the Foodworks brand and understands the challenges leaders face daily in the supermarket industry. He is a passionate advocate for the independent retailer.
MC - Jeff Harper - MGA Board Director
Jeff is a MGA Director who operates 2 food and grocery supermarkets in Melbourne Victoria. Jeff has over 35 years’ experience across the fields of Hospitality, retail, grocery and liquor, coupled with considerable experience in holding a directorship and managerial roles, as well as holding leadership positions in various state and national supermarket industry committees and boards
Nominations are now open for 3 MGA Board positions arising due to the Board rotation of 3 Directors.
We are seeking interested members who may wish to nominate for a vacant Board position.
Nominations close at 12.00pm on 15 November 2021. Please find below the election notice and nomination form
For more information please get in touch. Phone: 1800 888 479