Small business case studies:
Practical tips
Running your own business can be hugely rewarding, but for many small business owners having sole responsibility for the company's success or failure can take its toll. These small business owners talk about some of the practical strategies they use to stay well.
Small business case studies:
Gary's story
Gary Frank is an electrical contractor in Bendigo, running a franchise of Laser Electrical. Gary speaks about the challenges of looking after yourself and your staff while juggling the many demands of small business.
Small business case studies:
Looking after yourself
As a small business owner there is much to enjoy about being your own boss, such as the freedom to make the decisions and the autonomy to run the business your way. These small business owners talk about the challenges of looking after yourself while juggling the demands of running your own business.
Small business case studies:
Linda's story
Linda Whiteside is a sole trader, running a gift shop in Melbourne's northern suburbs called Present Story. Linda talks about how to look after yourself while running a busy retail business.
Small business case studies:
David’s story
David Natoli manages Urban Man, a group of barbershops in Melbourne. David speaks about looking after yourself, your staff, and managing the unique challenges running your own small business presents.
Small business case studies:
John's story
John has been managing depression for more than a decade, while managing his farm in the Wimmera district.
Small business case studies:
Richenda's story
Small business owner Richenda Vermeulen shares her experience about creating a mentally healthy workplace for herself and her staff.
Small business case studies:
Sandy's story
Sandy Cooper is a workplace trainer for small businesses, here she explains what it is like to be her own boss.
Source: Heads up